The Catholic Church denaturised the day. The Catholic Press of Australia, is stressed that Sunday watching is exclusively of Catholic source.
Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claims to watching can be defended lone on Catholic standards. From commencement to end of Scripture, in attendance is not a one-woman walkway that warrants the movement of time period general public revere from the finishing day of the time period to the primary - August 25,1900.
Burns and Oates of London, are publishers of Roman Catholic books, one of which they are pleased to phone call The Library of Christian Doctrine. A section of this is titled Why don't you support the Sabbath Day? and sets away the ensuing storm of a Catholic near a Protestant.
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You will relay me that Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath, but that the Christian Sabbath has been transformed to Sunday. Changed! But by whom? Who has the sway to adjust an uttered dictation of Almighty God? When God has verbalized and said, Thou shalt bread and butter the seventh day. Who shall challenge to say, Nay, g mayest hard work and do all carriage of materialistic firm on the seventh day; but thousand shalt keep dedicated the prototypal day in it's stead? This is a best key question, which I cognise not how you can statement.
You are a Protestant, and you profess to go by the Bible and the Bible only; and yet in so serious a entity as the observation of one day in seven as a consecrated day, you go in opposition the apparent missive of the Bible, and put other day in the plonk of the day which the Bible has commanded. The direct to living set apart the 7th day is one of the Ten Commandments; you judge that the separate nine are self-binding; who gave you authority to tamper beside the fourth? If you are self-consistent next to your own principles; if you really pursue the Bible and the Bible only, you ought to be able to breed a few ration of the New Testament in which this fourth bid is with specific intentions adjusted. ( pages 3-4)
Cardinal Gibbons, in The Faith of our Fathers, says this:
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You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not breakthrough a one-woman smudge authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the sacred looking of Saturday, a day which we never declare. (Edition of 1893, p111)
When we are led by proof and scarcely scrutinize the Bible, we are forced to cerebrate that within is no authority in the Holy Scriptures for the observation of Sunday. There is no holy countenance and no sway given to man to trademark such as a transformation. Search if you will finished well-bred and faith history, plough done the mass of system writings, commentaries, basilica manuals, and catechisms and you will reason that the first-year day is a unfounded Sabbath, but the Sabbath of the Lord is the 7th day.
The contention is now ready-made that this the same 7th day of construction cannot be placed. Is this factual or false?